Want to practice crochet?
Want to crochet or knit some caps to donate in honor of Eriq for my Q's Caps project and already know how to crochet and/or knit?
Want to help out by punching holes in the cards and attaching them to the caps so they are ready to donate or sorting yarn, accessories, etc.?
If any of the above apply then please come join me at my house for a day of crochet, snacks, and good times! AUGUST 11 from 11:00 AM to about 4:00 PM.
Don't worry if you've never done it, don't worry if you mess up while we're learning, if you've ever been interested, I love teaching and I want to show you.
If you're experienced and want some new patterns to try, I will have some available
You do not have to commit to the whole time but I will plan on starting lessons at the beginning and then I can do another set of lessons later in the day, it will be pretty come and go and open ended. I just need to know how many to expect so....please let me know you're coming by! And please pass this along to anyone you think might be interested.
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