
If you want to make a donation, contact me at or use the Paypal button to the right.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Colorado donation

Kristyn Rose, Grand Junction, Colorado
I received a package today that had not only yarn but additional monetary donations as well. A friend had done a couple of things for Q's Caps. First, she put a flyer up and collected yarn at a Relay for Life fundraiser, and then the board of ADEIL decided to donate the money raised from a silent auction at a conference to the cause as well. As I've mentioned time and again, it's always an extra encouragement to get a package, a note, anything to remind me how people appreciate my work.  It was great to know that someone is out there working for this as well and people are still interested in helping and donating and This past week, I worked on a cap while I was waiting for an oil change, I usually have a nice conversation with someone about crochet when I work on it in public and it's good to share with people. I also started a special request cap yesterday as well and those are nice for a little challenge and knowing a little about the person I'm making it for. Look for a Hello Kitty cap coming soon...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

In flight caps

After arriving home from my trip to Kansas, I spent just a couple of days at home before I took off again on another trip. This time, I was headed to Michigan, which involved both airport and flight time, which is perfect for crocheting! I have just returned home from that trip, it was a wonderful time away but I am glad to report that I was able to finish 4 caps total while I was on the plane both going and returning. So these are extra special caps, since they were made on a S80 airplane somewhere over Arkansas, Oklahoma, Michigan, Missouri and Illinois.

Kansas caps

Melissa Isaacson, Salina, KS
As I mentioned in my last post, I've been traveling this summer, including a trip to a few cities in Kansas. For this trip, I was driving so I didn't get any made during the actual travel time. Once I arrived, I spent most of the time enjoying my family and running around Kansas, but there was a little down time that I took advantage of and completed one cap. My cousin also brought along some yarn which she donated and I have added to my yarn stash, so there will be more caps from this visit as well.

Donation stop

I'm late posting this, but as summer started, I've been traveling a bit and my first trip was to visit family in the Kansas City and then Salina areas of Kansas. As you know, I make donations to the Cancer Center in Salina and this trip was no exception. I think I had taken pictures of these caps as I made them, however I went ahead and got a picture with my "co-delivery" helper :) That's my cousin Shelly and she works at the center and takes care of getting the caps to the people at the clinic in Salina.