
If you want to make a donation, contact me at or use the Paypal button to the right.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

New things!

Gary Cunningham, sent from Finland
Yesterday, I received a knit cap in the mail from Finland. Uncle Gary found  it and it's made of all organic materials and part of that is soy. It's so beautiful and fancy and super soft! Then today, I received a book from Aunt Suzie that is full of knit and crochet hat patterns. I've only just skimmed it but it has lots of great ideas. Between those two great gifts, I've gotten a little new motivation, which I have needed as I've been struggling with other things lately. I am hoping to finish up a mini blanket for the cat shelter so I have an example size to go off of and then I am ready to try some cap patterns again. If you want to come try some new patterns, I have a great new selection, so just let me know and we can try and work out a date.
Suzie McIntire, KS

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Overseas yarn

Despite having work again full time this work and some continuing personal issues that are taking more time than I'd like, I have finally gotten some crochet completed again. I made a couple of catnip stuffed crochet mice for the Texas Siamese Rescue, and started a blanket for them but I also made a cap with one of the yarns that Uncle Gary has sent from overseas. He purchased this yellow one from a Hospice Center, I thought that was such a perfect purchase and was looking forward to using it. I also had some variegated yarn I had wanted to use as an accent. So, here's the cap, I just used a single crochet row for the accents.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cycling and Back to School

Built in bow, been wanting to do this pattern for awhile
Shelley Hillyard, Keller, TX
I have taken on quite a few things lately and so the time to crochet has definitely dropped off lately, as have my posts. I went out to Lubbock this past weekend for the "Cycle for Hope" bike ride. While I was there, I met a few more people that are interested in learning to crochet so I will have to set up another scheduled lesson, but this time in Lubbock. I also started back to work yesterday. I haven't even had a chance to see if anyone there is interested, but I am wanting to start a club at some point.  I have been working on one cap as time has permitted. Both my cousin and my sister in law have also been working on caps and have completed one each, so I have a few pictures to show you.
How cute is this model?
Melissa Isaacson, Salina, KS
Mine looks boring compared to theirs!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Keller Crochet Lessons

We worked until after 11 pm last night on crochet lessons, I had 3 new students and my student teacher Shelley :) Everybody mastered the chain and then we moved on to the double crochet and had a lot of "ah ha" moments! There were lots of good snacks as well as a fabulous dessert to keep us going. We didn't finish any caps, though we got a good start on one and another is nearly complete. It was another first timers class, they all want to come back for more later when we can start making patterns. Our phrase of the night "you've gotta loosen up!".

I also had a new model help me out for a moment, my precious nephew wanted to try all the caps, though each on hardly lasted long enough for a picture but I have to share the one I got.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Coming right up

Tonight in Keller, I'll be doing another teaching session. One of the things I did for the Saturday group was have examples of a few different hats that I've made so they could see what the options are for choosing the yarn, colors, pattern and accessories. One of the patterns that's fairly easy but a little bit different I had already donated so I whipped this one up to take along tonight as an example. It's hard to see in the picture but it has sort of triangles rather than straight stitches. Yes, purple is my favorite color.

If you're working out there, here's the pattern for this:

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Crochet Get together

Had a good showing today for the first Q's Caps crochet session. Rachel and Kati were totally new to crochet, Terry R hadn't done it in decades so she was close to new. Nancy had experience but only knew how to do granny squares so she learned a few new tips. Terry B helped with punching the cards to attach to the donated hats and Teresa and Claudia prepared the accessories (flowers, hearts, etc.) to be attached to the caps. We completed 2 new caps and another several were started and taken home to complete. We got a few decorative items completed as well and hopefully all had a good time, I think we did.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Busy days

It's been another crazy week here, seems like every time I try to do something, it takes 2-3 times to actually get it done. For example I found out today that there's somehow a year (only the year) missing on one part of one document on the sale of my car, so they want me to drive back over to the tax office and wait in line to write "12" this is the kind of stuff I've been dealing with. All that is just to say that I haven't had a lot of time to sit and crochet but that's ok, tomorrow is crochet day! I did finish 2 this week, one with a variegated yarn I received recently and one more for my Komen team/donors. On that note, I have met my goal for the Denton race, having 5 on my team and meeting my donation goal, thank you if you helped! I signed up for the Dallas race today and I am aiming higher on donations, so I'll start working on that soon, I made my page today. If you want to see either page, here they are:

Monday, August 6, 2012

Crochet time - August 11

Want to learn or remember how to crochet? 
Want to practice crochet? 
Want to crochet or knit some caps to donate in honor of Eriq for my Q's Caps project and already know how to crochet and/or knit? 

Want to help out by punching holes in the cards and attaching them to the caps so they are ready to donate or sorting yarn, accessories, etc.?

If any of the above apply then please come join me at my house for a day of crochet, snacks, and good times!  AUGUST 11 from 11:00 AM to about 4:00 PM.

Don't worry if you've never done it, don't worry if you mess up while we're learning, if you've ever been interested, I love teaching and I want to show you.

If you're experienced and want some new patterns to try, I will have some available

You do not have to commit to the whole time but I will plan on starting lessons at the beginning and then I can do another set of lessons later in the day, it will be pretty come and go and open ended. I just need to know how many to expect so....please let me know you're coming by! And please pass this along to anyone you think might be interested.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Variegated Yarn

Katherine Glore
Yep, you guessed it, I got some more yarn today. I received another couple variegated colors that are great to work with to start because they make their own designs as you crochet and it's not dependent on the pattern. This is especially helpful as I'm starting to get some dates set for teaching sessions. It's nice for someone new to get a little more than a basic hat out of a basic pattern. I'm looking to do a couple of sessions in the next 2 weeks before school starts back. I hope to have a good set of caps to donate around our anniversary (Aug. 14)  and then start building up another collection. So if you have some completed and want to get them to me, just let me know and we'll get that worked out as well.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Shelley's Anna cap

Go figure, Shelley would find a patten for a cap she likes that has shell shapes all over it and is named "Anna". Well, she did and she did it well. I have been overwhelmed with some required details and paperwork and haven't had a chance to do more than try to set some crochet dates. Those will be time for learning and practicing or joining a group to use the yarn to make some caps if you already know how to crochet or knit.  I've also done some phone, email, text support of crochet in progress but at least I have a picture of the wonderful Anna cap that Shelley has finished.

Dates and times are not set for sure, but I'm looking at the weekend of August 11-12 for some possible days to get together. If you are interested in joining me, would you let me know (via comment here or email):
-Times/dates you are (or are not) available during that weekend
-Which location you would prefer to attend (and I will do one of each just maybe not both that weekend) Keller or Denton
-New, beginner, or experienced

-If you really want to join me sometime and know that that weekend is not going to work, let me know so I know to try and find time with you or invite you to another group session