Last year for Eriq’s birthday I asked you to help me choose a goal number of caps for the year. We decided on 18 Q’s Caps. I worked on them off and on all year and at final count, I made it to the goal. Now I need to get them tagged and delivered. Happy Heavenly Birthday Eriq.
Q's Caps
In Memory of Eriq Oliver Neale 1/4/68-6/14/12
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Saturday, January 6, 2024
Happy Birthday Eriq
I mentioned in my last post that I wanted help setting a goal for this 2024. I appreciate the comments, both here and on social media sites. I have had votes for 12, 18 and 24 so anyone else want to vote? Since I haven't been able to figure out the technical difficulties, please feel free to send email or use Facebook or Instagram to send comments or questions.
Thursday, December 28, 2023
Merry Christmas!
Has it really been over 3 years since I posted? I've never enjoyed writing like Eriq did but I found blogging to be a good way to share information and some of you may still find time to read what I post.
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday with family and friends and are getting ready to take on 2024.
I still crochet and donate caps, but I haven't been super intentional about a specific number completed or having special dates or deadlines for donations. I also hadn't had any requests so I have just completed and donated them here and there. Recently, my mom asked if I had any she could take to a center she visits and I was happy to have a place in mind and I was able to get some made before we visited at Christmas. I dropped off the pictured caps and they are heading to BSW Sammons Cancer Center in Duncanville.If you are still reading this, I am asking for your vote, how many caps should I make as my goal this year?
Option 1: 12 caps (2024 will mark 12 years since Eriq died)
Option 2: 18 caps (one for each year we were married)
Option 3: 24 caps (it's 2024 after all)
Friday, November 13, 2020
World Kindness Day
2020-need I say more? This has been such an unbelievably crazy year. Then, the school year started again, while in the middle of a pandemic, with no real relief in sight. This brought additional chaos and uncertainty for our household. I've struggled to find a work/life balance and I haven't had the energy nor motivation for many things, including crochet.
But here we are on World Kindness Day and I'm reminded that giving of myself always makes me feel better. Yes, it helps the person or the people that I have helped but I also am the recipient of something, the good feeling I get when I do something for someone else. Recently I had a rough time planning a Veterans Day event, people kept dropping out and I was left with too much on my plate and an event to plan. But I kept working on it and other people stepped up and helped and I was rewarded with some appreciative veterans and knowing that I helped some high school students see what an impact they can have.So, the moral of this story (blog) is get out there and be kind.
Sunday, October 18, 2020
In Memory
Nancy lost her battle with cancer at the end of September. She was a crocheter herself so I never made caps for her to wear but I am making some in her honor. She loved the beach and darts so I have started working on caps in blues. I have to say, the darts idea is harder than I thought but I'm still hoping to come up with a great idea. Anyone have a great pattern for a dart themed cap?
Friday, September 18, 2020
Special Request
It's been a few years since I had a special request. Over the years there have been several but the most recent was this past week. The request came from the sister of a friend via Facebook. There are certainly positives and negatives with social media, but I get many of my requests and ideas from someone that I wouldn't otherwise. Here in 2020, with the chaos of this year, it's proven even more of a resource. The recipient's favorite color is peach and she likes bright colors. For this request, I learned some new methods in mailing and set up an account with USPS for some better options for mailing packages. I can send from one to about five caps for the same price, so my new goal is to get a minimum of 5 ready for each new request.
If you know of someone that could use some caps, please contact me and let me know how I can help.