It's been over 7 months since I last posted here, admittedly, that is entirely too long. Not to worry thought, it has not been 7 months since I made a cap or did some other work for Q's Caps! In fact, if you follow me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter you will have seen a few "yarny" posts from me.
I'm going go more personal here and tell you what has gone on these past months, if you already know or want to skip on, go ahead on to the bottom of the post to the text not in italics.
This is what moving yarn looks like |
As I mentioned in my previous post, my job wasn't going well, it was a situation that felt like I was having the life sucked out of me. Even when I wasn't at work, I didn't have the motivation I needed to do things I needed or wanted to do. I was working through it the best I could while searching for another position that would better suit me. I was looking into moving to a smaller house but didn't know where to go with the job situation uncertain. Meanwhile, I had reconnected with a guy from high school that was also a teacher, though in a district about 5 miles south and we were becoming close from afar. He was helping me survive the year and motivating me and then he did one better and found a new job for me! A position was coming available at his school in January. I applied, had a phone interview, then an interview and was offered the position in under a week! I accepted the position, gave notice, started looking for houses, started packing at home and at school, and generally started getting stuff done. Over Christmas break I was able to visit with not only my local family but also my aunt, uncle, cousins and families and my grandpa, all from Kansas and my brother and his family from China while doing the previously mentioned items. It was a completely crazy time. I'll skip forward, in January I spent my last week at my old job, then I spent a week packing, then I moved into a temporary apartment, and started my new job. A couple weeks later, I closed on my new (but vintage :) house and moved in the first of February. From there, I spent time going back and forth between houses, settling into my new job and attending baseball games. As the end of the school year approaches, I've mostly settled into the new house, including some painting and yard work, though I haven't gotten everything moved in yet, I've started a mini container garden, I haven't unpacked all the yarn but I have plenty to pull out a little here and there and I'm looking forward to finishing up at the old house and getting it on the market in the next month. Once that is cleaned up, cleaned out, on the market and SOLD, things will be even more settled and I look forward to that happening. Meanwhile, I have gotten a few caps done...

I have made a goal to crochet at least 3 times per week and I have met that goal most weeks this past month or so. A couple of the finished caps have been worked on while I was at baseball games, so you'll notice the nice green background :) I haven't had any new donations to share lately, which is quite alright given the quantity I have and the busy schedule I have had a few leftovers from other projects that have added a few pieces to my stash. I hope as I get back to having only one house and being settled that I can finish unpacking and organizing all my yarn again and also get back in the habit of cap making. Thanks for sticking with me...